arXiv reaDer
Path-adaptive Spatio-Temporal State Space Model for Event-based Recognition with Arbitrary Duration
Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that capture the intensity changes asynchronously and output event streams with distinct advantages, such as high temporal resolution. To exploit event cameras for object/action recognition, existing methods predominantly sample and aggregate events in a second-level duration at every fixed temporal interval (or frequency). However, they often face difficulties in capturing the spatiotemporal relationships for longer, e.g., minute-level, events and generalizing across varying temporal frequencies. To fill the gap, we present a novel framework, dubbed PAST-SSM, exhibiting superior capacity in recognizing events with arbitrary duration (e.g., 0.1s to 4.5s) and generalizing to varying inference frequencies. Our key insight is to learn the spatiotemporal relationships from the encoded event features via the state space model (SSM) -- whose linear complexity makes it ideal for modeling high temporal resolution events with longer sequences. To achieve this goal, we first propose a Path-Adaptive Event Aggregation and Scan (PEAS) module to encode events of varying duration into features with fixed dimensions by adaptively scanning and selecting aggregated event frames. On top of PEAS, we introduce a novel Multi-faceted Selection Guiding (MSG) loss to minimize the randomness and redundancy of the encoded features. This subtly enhances the model generalization across different inference frequencies. Lastly, the SSM is employed to better learn the spatiotemporal properties from the encoded features. Moreover, we build a minute-level event-based recognition dataset, named ArDVS100, with arbitrary duration for the benefit of the community. Extensive experiments prove that our method outperforms prior arts by +3.45%, +0.38% and +8.31% on the DVS Action, SeAct and HARDVS datasets, respectively.
updated: Wed Sep 25 2024 14:08:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 25 2024 14:08:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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