arXiv reaDer
Moner: Motion Correction in Undersampled Radial MRI with Unsupervised Neural Representation
Motion correction (MoCo) in radial MRI is a challenging problem due to the unpredictability of subject's motion. Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) MoCo algorithms often use extensive high-quality MR images to pre-train neural networks, obtaining excellent reconstructions. However, the need for large-scale datasets significantly increases costs and limits model generalization. In this work, we propose Moner, an unsupervised MoCo method that jointly solves artifact-free MR images and accurate motion from undersampled, rigid motion-corrupted k-space data, without requiring training data. Our core idea is to leverage the continuous prior of implicit neural representation (INR) to constrain this ill-posed inverse problem, enabling ideal solutions. Specifically, we incorporate a quasi-static motion model into the INR, granting its ability to correct subject's motion. To stabilize model optimization, we reformulate radial MRI as a back-projection problem using the Fourier-slice theorem. Additionally, we propose a novel coarse-to-fine hash encoding strategy, significantly enhancing MoCo accuracy. Experiments on multiple MRI datasets show our Moner achieves performance comparable to SOTA MoCo techniques on in-domain data, while demonstrating significant improvements on out-of-domain data.
updated: Mon Dec 02 2024 18:01:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 25 2024 13:27:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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