arXiv reaDer
IRASNet: Improved Feature-Level Clutter Reduction for Domain Generalized SAR-ATR
Recently, computer-aided design models and electromagnetic simulations have been used to augment synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for deep learning. However, an automatic target recognition (ATR) model struggles with domain shift when using synthetic data because the model learns specific clutter patterns present in such data, which disturbs performance when applied to measured data with different clutter distributions. This study proposes a framework particularly designed for domain-generalized SAR-ATR called IRASNet, enabling effective feature-level clutter reduction and domain-invariant feature learning. First, we propose a clutter reduction module (CRM) that maximizes the signal-to-clutter ratio on feature maps. The module reduces the impact of clutter at the feature level while preserving target and shadow information, thereby improving ATR performance. Second, we integrate adversarial learning with CRM to extract clutter-reduced domain-invariant features. The integration bridges the gap between synthetic and measured datasets without requiring measured data during training. Third, we improve feature extraction from target and shadow regions by implementing a positional supervision task using mask ground truth encoding. The improvement enhances the ability of the model to discriminate between classes. Our proposed IRASNet presents new state-of-the-art public SAR datasets utilizing target and shadow information to achieve superior performance across various test conditions. IRASNet not only enhances generalization performance but also significantly improves feature-level clutter reduction, making it a valuable advancement in the field of radar image pattern recognition.
updated: Wed Sep 25 2024 11:53:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 25 2024 11:53:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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