arXiv reaDer
Towards General Text-guided Image Synthesis for Customized Multimodal Brain MRI Generation
Multimodal brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is indispensable in neuroscience and neurology. However, due to the accessibility of MRI scanners and their lengthy acquisition time, multimodal MR images are not commonly available. Current MR image synthesis approaches are typically trained on independent datasets for specific tasks, leading to suboptimal performance when applied to novel datasets and tasks. Here, we present TUMSyn, a Text-guided Universal MR image Synthesis generalist model, which can flexibly generate brain MR images with demanded imaging metadata from routinely acquired scans guided by text prompts. To ensure TUMSyn's image synthesis precision, versatility, and generalizability, we first construct a brain MR database comprising 31,407 3D images with 7 MRI modalities from 13 centers. We then pre-train an MRI-specific text encoder using contrastive learning to effectively control MR image synthesis based on text prompts. Extensive experiments on diverse datasets and physician assessments indicate that TUMSyn can generate clinically meaningful MR images with specified imaging metadata in supervised and zero-shot scenarios. Therefore, TUMSyn can be utilized along with acquired MR scan(s) to facilitate large-scale MRI-based screening and diagnosis of brain diseases.
updated: Wed Sep 25 2024 11:14:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 25 2024 11:14:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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