arXiv reaDer
Inline Photometrically Calibrated Hybrid Visual SLAM
This paper presents an integrated approach to Visual SLAM, merging online sequential photometric calibration within a Hybrid direct-indirect visual SLAM (H-SLAM). Photometric calibration helps normalize pixel intensity values under different lighting conditions, and thereby improves the direct component of our H-SLAM. A tangential benefit also results to the indirect component of H-SLAM given that the detected features are more stable across variable lighting conditions. Our proposed photometrically calibrated H-SLAM is tested on several datasets, including the TUM monoVO as well as on a dataset we created. Calibrated H-SLAM outperforms other state of the art direct, indirect, and hybrid Visual SLAM systems in all the experiments. Furthermore, in online SLAM tested at our site, it also significantly outperformed the other SLAM Systems.
updated: Wed Sep 25 2024 11:02:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 25 2024 11:02:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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