arXiv reaDer
Enhancing Nighttime UAV Tracking with Light Distribution Suppression
Visual object tracking has boosted extensive intelligent applications for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, the state-of-the-art (SOTA) enhancers for nighttime UAV tracking always neglect the uneven light distribution in low-light images, inevitably leading to excessive enhancement in scenarios with complex illumination. To address these issues, this work proposes a novel enhancer, i.e., LDEnhancer, enhancing nighttime UAV tracking with light distribution suppression. Specifically, a novel image content refinement module is developed to decompose the light distribution information and image content information in the feature space, allowing for the targeted enhancement of the image content information. Then this work designs a new light distribution generation module to capture light distribution effectively. The features with light distribution information and image content information are fed into the different parameter estimation modules, respectively, for the parameter map prediction. Finally, leveraging two parameter maps, an innovative interweave iteration adjustment is proposed for the collaborative pixel-wise adjustment of low-light images. Additionally, a challenging nighttime UAV tracking dataset with uneven light distribution, namely NAT2024-2, is constructed to provide a comprehensive evaluation, which contains 40 challenging sequences with over 74K frames in total. Experimental results on the authoritative UAV benchmarks and the proposed NAT2024-2 demonstrate that LDEnhancer outperforms other SOTA low-light enhancers for nighttime UAV tracking. Furthermore, real-world tests on a typical UAV platform with an NVIDIA Orin NX confirm the practicality and efficiency of LDEnhancer. The code is available at
updated: Wed Sep 25 2024 05:19:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 25 2024 05:19:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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