arXiv reaDer
Leveraging Local Structure for Improving Model Explanations: An Information Propagation Approach
Numerous explanation methods have been recently developed to interpret the decisions made by deep neural network (DNN) models. For image classifiers, these methods typically provide an attribution score to each pixel in the image to quantify its contribution to the prediction. However, most of these explanation methods appropriate attribution scores to pixels independently, even though both humans and DNNs make decisions by analyzing a set of closely related pixels simultaneously. Hence, the attribution score of a pixel should be evaluated jointly by considering itself and its structurally-similar pixels. We propose a method called IProp, which models each pixel's individual attribution score as a source of explanatory information and explains the image prediction through the dynamic propagation of information across all pixels. To formulate the information propagation, IProp adopts the Markov Reward Process, which guarantees convergence, and the final status indicates the desired pixels' attribution scores. Furthermore, IProp is compatible with any existing attribution-based explanation method. Extensive experiments on various explanation methods and DNN models verify that IProp significantly improves them on a variety of interpretability metrics.
updated: Tue Sep 24 2024 19:48:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 24 2024 19:48:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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