arXiv reaDer
Vision-based Xylem Wetness Classification in Stem Water Potential Determination
Water is often overused in irrigation, making efficient management of it crucial. Precision Agriculture emphasizes tools like stem water potential (SWP) analysis for better plant status determination. However, such tools often require labor-intensive in-situ sampling. Automation and machine learning can streamline this process and enhance outcomes. This work focused on automating stem detection and xylem wetness classification using the Scholander Pressure Chamber, a widely used but demanding method for SWP measurement. The aim was to refine stem detection and develop computer-vision-based methods to better classify water emergence at the xylem. To this end, we collected and manually annotated video data, applying vision- and learning-based methods for detection and classification. Additionally, we explored data augmentation and fine-tuned parameters to identify the most effective models. The identified best-performing models for stem detection and xylem wetness classification were evaluated end-to-end over 20 SWP measurements. Learning-based stem detection via YOLOv8n combined with ResNet50-based classification achieved a Top-1 accuracy of 80.98%, making it the best-performing approach for xylem wetness classification.
updated: Tue Sep 24 2024 19:24:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 24 2024 19:24:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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