arXiv reaDer
Neuromorphic Drone Detection: an Event-RGB Multimodal Approach
In recent years, drone detection has quickly become a subject of extreme interest: the potential for fast-moving objects of contained dimensions to be used for malicious intents or even terrorist attacks has posed attention to the necessity for precise and resilient systems for detecting and identifying such elements. While extensive literature and works exist on object detection based on RGB data, it is also critical to recognize the limits of such modality when applied to UAVs detection. Detecting drones indeed poses several challenges such as fast-moving objects and scenes with a high dynamic range or, even worse, scarce illumination levels. Neuromorphic cameras, on the other hand, can retain precise and rich spatio-temporal information in situations that are challenging for RGB cameras. They are resilient to both high-speed moving objects and scarce illumination settings, while prone to suffer a rapid loss of information when the objects in the scene are static. In this context, we present a novel model for integrating both domains together, leveraging multimodal data to take advantage of the best of both worlds. To this end, we also release NeRDD (Neuromorphic-RGB Drone Detection), a novel spatio-temporally synchronized Event-RGB Drone detection dataset of more than 3.5 hours of multimodal annotated recordings.
updated: Tue Sep 24 2024 13:53:20 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 24 2024 13:53:20 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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