arXiv reaDer
VascX Models: Model Ensembles for Retinal Vascular Analysis from Color Fundus Images
We introduce VascX models, a comprehensive set of model ensembles for analyzing retinal vasculature from color fundus images (CFIs). Annotated CFIs were aggregated from public datasets for vessel, artery-vein, and disc segmentation; and fovea localization. Additional CFIs from the population-based Rotterdam Study were, with arteries and veins annotated by graders at pixel level. Our models achieved robust performance across devices from different vendors, varying levels of image quality levels, and diverse pathologies. Our models demonstrated superior segmentation performance compared to existing systems under a variety of conditions. Significant enhancements were observed in artery-vein and disc segmentation performance, particularly in segmentations of these structures on CFIs of intermediate quality, a common characteristic of large cohorts and clinical datasets. Our model outperformed human graders in segmenting vessels with greater precision. With VascX models we provide a robust, ready-to-use set of model ensembles and inference code aimed at simplifying the implementation and enhancing the quality of automated retinal vasculature analyses. The precise vessel parameters generated by the model can serve as starting points for the identification of disease patterns in and outside of the eye.
updated: Tue Sep 24 2024 12:19:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 24 2024 12:19:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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