arXiv reaDer
Mind the Prompt: A Novel Benchmark for Prompt-based Class-Agnostic Counting
Recently, object counting has shifted towards class-agnostic counting (CAC), which counts instances of arbitrary object classes never seen during model training. With advancements in robust vision-and-language foundation models, there is a growing interest in prompt-based CAC, where object categories are specified using natural language. However, we identify significant limitations in current benchmarks for evaluating this task, which hinder both accurate assessment and the development of more effective solutions. Specifically, we argue that the current evaluation protocols do not measure the ability of the model to understand which object has to be counted. This is due to two main factors: (i) the shortcomings of CAC datasets, which primarily consist of images containing objects from a single class, and (ii) the limitations of current counting performance evaluators, which are based on traditional class-specific counting and focus solely on counting errors. To fill this gap, we introduce the Prompt-Aware Counting (PrACo) benchmark. It comprises two targeted tests coupled with evaluation metrics specifically designed to quantitatively measure the robustness and trustworthiness of existing prompt-based CAC models. We evaluate state-of-the-art methods and demonstrate that, although some achieve impressive results on standard class-specific counting metrics, they exhibit a significant deficiency in understanding the input prompt, indicating the need for more careful training procedures or revised designs. The code for reproducing our results is available at
updated: Fri Nov 29 2024 09:42:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 24 2024 10:35:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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