arXiv reaDer
Facing Asymmetry -- Uncovering the Causal Link between Facial Symmetry and Expression Classifiers using Synthetic Interventions
Understanding expressions is vital for deciphering human behavior, and nowadays, end-to-end trained black box models achieve high performance. Due to the black-box nature of these models, it is unclear how they behave when applied out-of-distribution. Specifically, these models show decreased performance for unilateral facial palsy patients. We hypothesize that one crucial factor guiding the internal decision rules is facial symmetry. In this work, we use insights from causal reasoning to investigate the hypothesis. After deriving a structural causal model, we develop a synthetic interventional framework. This approach allows us to analyze how facial symmetry impacts a network's output behavior while keeping other factors fixed. All 17 investigated expression classifiers significantly lower their output activations for reduced symmetry. This result is congruent with observed behavior on real-world data from healthy subjects and facial palsy patients. As such, our investigation serves as a case study for identifying causal factors that influence the behavior of black-box models.
updated: Mon Sep 30 2024 11:41:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 24 2024 09:53:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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