arXiv reaDer
SOFI: Multi-Scale Deformable Transformer for Camera Calibration with Enhanced Line Queries
Camera calibration consists of estimating camera parameters such as the zenith vanishing point and horizon line. Estimating the camera parameters allows other tasks like 3D rendering, artificial reality effects, and object insertion in an image. Transformer-based models have provided promising results; however, they lack cross-scale interaction. In this work, we introduce multi-Scale defOrmable transFormer for camera calibratIon with enhanced line queries, SOFI. SOFI improves the line queries used in CTRL-C and MSCC by using both line content and line geometric features. Moreover, SOFI's line queries allow transformer models to adopt the multi-scale deformable attention mechanism to promote cross-scale interaction between the feature maps produced by the backbone. SOFI outperforms existing methods on the \textit Google Street View, \textit Horizon Line in the Wild, and \textit Holicity datasets while keeping a competitive inference speed.
updated: Mon Sep 23 2024 21:17:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 23 2024 21:17:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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