arXiv reaDer
Adenocarcinoma Segmentation Using Pre-trained Swin-UNet with Parallel Cross-Attention for Multi-Domain Imaging
Computer aided pathological analysis has been the gold standard for tumor diagnosis, however domain shift is a significant problem in histopathology. It may be caused by variability in anatomical structures, tissue preparation, and imaging processes challenges the robustness of segmentation models. In this work, we present a framework consist of pre-trained encoder with a Swin-UNet architecture enhanced by a parallel cross-attention module to tackle the problem of adenocarcinoma segmentation across different organs and scanners, considering both morphological changes and scanner-induced domain variations. Experiment conducted on Cross-Organ and Cross-Scanner Adenocarcinoma Segmentation challenge dataset showed that our framework achieved segmentation scores of 0.7469 for the cross-organ track and 0.7597 for the cross-scanner track on the final challenge test sets, and effectively navigates diverse imaging conditions and improves segmentation accuracy across varying domains.
updated: Mon Sep 23 2024 19:38:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 23 2024 19:38:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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