arXiv reaDer
HOTVCOM: Generating Buzzworthy Comments for Videos
In the era of social media video platforms, popular ``hot-comments'' play a crucial role in attracting user impressions of short-form videos, making them vital for marketing and branding purpose. However, existing research predominantly focuses on generating descriptive comments or ``danmaku'' in English, offering immediate reactions to specific video moments. Addressing this gap, our study introduces HotVCom, the largest Chinese video hot-comment dataset, comprising 94k diverse videos and 137 million comments. We also present the ComHeat framework, which synergistically integrates visual, auditory, and textual data to generate influential hot-comments on the Chinese video dataset. Empirical evaluations highlight the effectiveness of our framework, demonstrating its excellence on both the newly constructed and existing datasets.
updated: Mon Sep 23 2024 16:45:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 23 2024 16:45:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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