arXiv reaDer
TSCLIP: Robust CLIP Fine-Tuning for Worldwide Cross-Regional Traffic Sign Recognition
Traffic sign is a critical map feature for navigation and traffic control. Nevertheless, current methods for traffic sign recognition rely on traditional deep learning models, which typically suffer from significant performance degradation considering the variations in data distribution across different regions. In this paper, we propose TSCLIP, a robust fine-tuning approach with the contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) model for worldwide cross-regional traffic sign recognition. We first curate a cross-regional traffic sign benchmark dataset by combining data from ten different sources. Then, we propose a prompt engineering scheme tailored to the characteristics of traffic signs, which involves specific scene descriptions and corresponding rules to generate targeted text descriptions for optimizing the model training process. During the TSCLIP fine-tuning process, we implement adaptive dynamic weight ensembling (ADWE) to seamlessly incorporate outcomes from each training iteration with the zero-shot CLIP model. This approach ensures that the model retains its ability to generalize while acquiring new knowledge about traffic signs. Our method surpasses conventional classification benchmark models in cross-regional traffic sign evaluations, and it achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to existing CLIP fine-tuning techniques. To the best knowledge of authors, TSCLIP is the first contrastive language-image model used for the worldwide cross-regional traffic sign recognition task. The project website is available at:
updated: Mon Sep 23 2024 14:51:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 23 2024 14:51:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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