arXiv reaDer
Dynamic Integration of Task-Specific Adapters for Class Incremental Learning
Non-exemplar class Incremental Learning (NECIL) enables models to continuously acquire new classes without retraining from scratch and storing old task exemplars, addressing privacy and storage issues. However, the absence of data from earlier tasks exacerbates the challenge of catastrophic forgetting in NECIL. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called Dynamic Integration of task-specific Adapters (DIA), which comprises two key components: Task-Specific Adapter Integration (TSAI) and Patch-Level Model Alignment. TSAI boosts compositionality through a patch-level adapter integration strategy, which provides a more flexible compositional solution while maintaining low computation costs. Patch-Level Model Alignment maintains feature consistency and accurate decision boundaries via two specialized mechanisms: Patch-Level Distillation Loss (PDL) and Patch-Level Feature Reconstruction method (PFR). Specifically, the PDL preserves feature-level consistency between successive models by implementing a distillation loss based on the contributions of patch tokens to new class learning. The PFR facilitates accurate classifier alignment by reconstructing old class features from previous tasks that adapt to new task knowledge. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our DIA, revealing significant improvements on benchmark datasets in the NECIL setting, maintaining an optimal balance between computational complexity and accuracy. The full code implementation will be made publicly available upon the publication of this paper.
updated: Mon Sep 23 2024 13:01:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 23 2024 13:01:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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