arXiv reaDer
A new baseline for edge detection: Make Encoder-Decoder great again
The performance of deep learning based edge detector has far exceeded that of humans, but the huge computational cost and complex training strategy hinder its further development and application. In this paper, we eliminate these complexities with a vanilla encoder-decoder based detector. Firstly, we design a bilateral encoder to decouple the extraction process of location features and semantic features. Since the location branch no longer provides cues for the semantic branch, the richness of features can be further compressed, which is the key to make our model more compact. We propose a cascaded feature fusion decoder, where the location features are progressively refined by semantic features. The refined location features are the only basis for generating the edge map. The coarse original location features and semantic features are avoided from direct contact with the final result. So the noise in the location features and the location error in the semantic features can be suppressed in the generated edge map. The proposed New Baseline for Edge Detection (NBED) achieves superior performance consistently across multiple edge detection benchmarks, even compared with those methods with huge computational cost and complex training strategy. The ODS of NBED on BSDS500 is 0.838, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Our study shows that what really matters in the current edge detection is high-quality features, and we can make the encoder-decoder based detector great again even without complex training strategies and huge computational cost. The code is available at
updated: Sun Nov 24 2024 21:05:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 23 2024 12:54:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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