arXiv reaDer
Accelerated Multi-Contrast MRI Reconstruction via Frequency and Spatial Mutual Learning
To accelerate Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging procedures, Multi-Contrast MR Reconstruction (MCMR) has become a prevalent trend that utilizes an easily obtainable modality as an auxiliary to support high-quality reconstruction of the target modality with under-sampled k-space measurements. The exploration of global dependency and complementary information across different modalities is essential for MCMR. However, existing methods either struggle to capture global dependency due to the limited receptive field or suffer from quadratic computational complexity. To tackle this dilemma, we propose a novel Frequency and Spatial Mutual Learning Network (FSMNet), which efficiently explores global dependencies across different modalities. Specifically, the features for each modality are extracted by the Frequency-Spatial Feature Extraction (FSFE) module, featuring a frequency branch and a spatial branch. Benefiting from the global property of the Fourier transform, the frequency branch can efficiently capture global dependency with an image-size receptive field, while the spatial branch can extract local features. To exploit complementary information from the auxiliary modality, we propose a Cross-Modal Selective fusion (CMS-fusion) module that selectively incorporate the frequency and spatial features from the auxiliary modality to enhance the corresponding branch of the target modality. To further integrate the enhanced global features from the frequency branch and the enhanced local features from the spatial branch, we develop a Frequency-Spatial fusion (FS-fusion) module, resulting in a comprehensive feature representation for the target modality. Extensive experiments on the BraTS and fastMRI datasets demonstrate that the proposed FSMNet achieves state-of-the-art performance for the MCMR task with different acceleration factors. The code is available at:
updated: Sat Sep 21 2024 12:02:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Sep 21 2024 12:02:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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