arXiv reaDer
Multilateral Cascading Network for Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Outdoor Point Clouds
Semantic segmentation of large-scale outdoor point clouds is of significant importance in environment perception and scene understanding. However, this task continues to present a significant research challenge, due to the inherent complexity of outdoor objects and their diverse distributions in real-world environments. In this study, we propose the Multilateral Cascading Network (MCNet) designed to address this challenge. The model comprises two key components: a Multilateral Cascading Attention Enhancement (MCAE) module, which facilitates the learning of complex local features through multilateral cascading operations; and a Point Cross Stage Partial (P-CSP) module, which fuses global and local features, thereby optimizing the integration of valuable feature information across multiple scales. Our proposed method demonstrates superior performance relative to state-of-the-art approaches across two widely recognized benchmark datasets: Toronto3D and SensatUrban. Especially on the city-scale SensatUrban dataset, our results surpassed the current best result by 2.1% in overall mIoU and yielded an improvement of 15.9% on average for small-sample object categories comprising less than 2% of the total samples, in comparison to the baseline method.
updated: Sun Dec 15 2024 05:18:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Sep 21 2024 02:23:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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