arXiv reaDer
Improved Unet brain tumor image segmentation based on GSConv module and ECA attention mechanism
An improved model of medical image segmentation for brain tumor is discussed, which is a deep learning algorithm based on U-Net architecture. Based on the traditional U-Net, we introduce GSConv module and ECA attention mechanism to improve the performance of the model in medical image segmentation tasks. With these improvements, the new U-Net model is able to extract and utilize multi-scale features more efficiently while flexibly focusing on important channels, resulting in significantly improved segmentation results. During the experiment, the improved U-Net model is trained and evaluated systematically. By looking at the loss curves of the training set and the test set, we find that the loss values of both rapidly decline to the lowest point after the eighth epoch, and then gradually converge and stabilize. This shows that our model has good learning ability and generalization ability. In addition, by monitoring the change in the mean intersection ratio (mIoU), we can see that after the 35th epoch, the mIoU gradually approaches 0.8 and remains stable, which further validates the model. Compared with the traditional U-Net, the improved version based on GSConv module and ECA attention mechanism shows obvious advantages in segmentation effect. Especially in the processing of brain tumor image edges, the improved model can provide more accurate segmentation results. This achievement not only improves the accuracy of medical image analysis, but also provides more reliable technical support for clinical diagnosis.
updated: Fri Sep 20 2024 16:35:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Sep 20 2024 16:35:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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