arXiv reaDer
A Deep Learning Approach for Pixel-level Material Classification via Hyperspectral Imaging
Recent advancements in computer vision, particularly in detection, segmentation, and classification, have significantly impacted various domains. However, these advancements are tied to RGB-based systems, which are insufficient for applications in industries like waste sorting, pharmaceuticals, and defense, where advanced object characterization beyond shape or color is necessary. Hyperspectral (HS) imaging, capturing both spectral and spatial information, addresses these limitations and offers advantages over conventional technologies such as X-ray fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy, particularly in terms of speed, cost, and safety. This study evaluates the potential of combining HS imaging with deep learning for material characterization. The research involves: i) designing an experimental setup with HS camera, conveyor, and controlled lighting; ii) generating a multi-object dataset of various plastics (HDPE, PET, PP, PS) with semi-automated mask generation and Raman spectroscopy-based labeling; and iii) developing a deep learning model trained on HS images for pixel-level material classification. The model achieved 99.94% classification accuracy, demonstrating robustness in color, size, and shape invariance, and effectively handling material overlap. Limitations, such as challenges with black objects, are also discussed. Extending computer vision beyond RGB to HS imaging proves feasible, overcoming major limitations of traditional methods and showing strong potential for future applications.
updated: Fri Sep 20 2024 13:38:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Sep 20 2024 13:38:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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