arXiv reaDer
AllWeatherNet:Unified Image enhancement for autonomous driving under adverse weather and lowlight-conditions
Adverse conditions like snow, rain, nighttime, and fog, pose challenges for autonomous driving perception systems. Existing methods have limited effectiveness in improving essential computer vision tasks, such as semantic segmentation, and often focus on only one specific condition, such as removing rain or translating nighttime images into daytime ones. To address these limitations, we propose a method to improve the visual quality and clarity degraded by such adverse conditions. Our method, AllWeather-Net, utilizes a novel hierarchical architecture to enhance images across all adverse conditions. This architecture incorporates information at three semantic levels: scene, object, and texture, by discriminating patches at each level. Furthermore, we introduce a Scaled Illumination-aware Attention Mechanism (SIAM) that guides the learning towards road elements critical for autonomous driving perception. SIAM exhibits robustness, remaining unaffected by changes in weather conditions or environmental scenes. AllWeather-Net effectively transforms images into normal weather and daytime scenes, demonstrating superior image enhancement results and subsequently enhancing the performance of semantic segmentation, with up to a 5.3% improvement in mIoU in the trained domain. We also show our model's generalization ability by applying it to unseen domains without re-training, achieving up to 3.9% mIoU improvement. Code can be accessed at:
updated: Tue Sep 03 2024 16:47:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 03 2024 16:47:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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