arXiv reaDer
S^2NeRF: Privacy-preserving Training Framework for NeRF
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have revolutionized 3D computer vision and graphics, facilitating novel view synthesis and influencing sectors like extended reality and e-commerce. However, NeRF's dependence on extensive data collection, including sensitive scene image data, introduces significant privacy risks when users upload this data for model training. To address this concern, we first propose SplitNeRF, a training framework that incorporates split learning (SL) techniques to enable privacy-preserving collaborative model training between clients and servers without sharing local data. Despite its benefits, we identify vulnerabilities in SplitNeRF by developing two attack methods, Surrogate Model Attack and Scene-aided Surrogate Model Attack, which exploit the shared gradient data and a few leaked scene images to reconstruct private scene information. To counter these threats, we introduce S^2NeRF, secure SplitNeRF that integrates effective defense mechanisms. By introducing decaying noise related to the gradient norm into the shared gradient information, S^2NeRF preserves privacy while maintaining a high utility of the NeRF model. Our extensive evaluations across multiple datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of S^2NeRF against privacy breaches, confirming its viability for secure NeRF training in sensitive applications.
updated: Tue Sep 03 2024 07:08:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 03 2024 07:08:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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