arXiv reaDer
Can Geometric Quantum Machine Learning Lead to Advantage in Barcode Classification?
We consider the problem of distinguishing two vectors (visualized as images or barcodes) and learning if they are related to one another. For this, we develop a geometric quantum machine learning (GQML) approach with embedded symmetries that allows for the classification of similar and dissimilar pairs based on global correlations, and enables generalization from just a few samples. Unlike GQML algorithms developed to date, we propose to focus on symmetry-aware measurement adaptation that outperforms unitary parametrizations. We compare GQML for similarity testing against classical deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks with Siamese architectures. We show that quantum networks largely outperform their classical counterparts. We explain this difference in performance by analyzing correlated distributions used for composing our dataset. We relate the similarity testing with problems that showcase a proven maximal separation between the BQP complexity class and the polynomial hierarchy. While the ability to achieve advantage largely depends on how data are loaded, we discuss how similar problems can benefit from quantum machine learning.
updated: Mon Sep 02 2024 23:34:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 02 2024 23:34:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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