arXiv reaDer
ComfyBench: Benchmarking LLM-based Agents in ComfyUI for Autonomously Designing Collaborative AI Systems
Much previous AI research has focused on developing monolithic models to maximize their intelligence, with the primary goal of enhancing performance on specific tasks. In contrast, this work attempts to study using LLM-based agents to design collaborative AI systems autonomously. To explore this problem, we first introduce ComfyBench to evaluate agents's ability to design collaborative AI systems in ComfyUI. ComfyBench is a comprehensive benchmark comprising 200 diverse tasks covering various instruction-following generation challenges, along with detailed annotations for 3,205 nodes and 20 workflows. Based on ComfyBench, we further develop ComfyAgent, a novel framework that empowers LLM-based agents to autonomously design collaborative AI systems by generating workflows. ComfyAgent is based on two core concepts. First, it represents workflows with code, which can be reversibly converted into workflows and executed as collaborative systems by the interpreter. Second, it constructs a multi-agent system that cooperates to learn from existing workflows and generate new workflows for a given task. While experimental results demonstrate that ComfyAgent achieves a comparable resolve rate to o1-preview and significantly surpasses other agents on ComfyBench, ComfyAgent has resolved only 15% of creative tasks. LLM-based agents still have a long way to go in autonomously designing collaborative AI systems. Progress with ComfyBench is paving the way for more intelligent and autonomous collaborative AI systems.
updated: Tue Nov 26 2024 14:32:46 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 02 2024 17:44:10 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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