arXiv reaDer
Logit Scaling for Out-of-Distribution Detection
The safe deployment of machine learning and AI models in open-world settings hinges critically on the ability to detect out-of-distribution (OOD) data accurately, data samples that contrast vastly from what the model was trained with. Current approaches to OOD detection often require further training the model, and/or statistics about the training data which may no longer be accessible. Additionally, many existing OOD detection methods struggle to maintain performance when transferred across different architectures. Our research tackles these issues by proposing a simple, post-hoc method that does not require access to the training data distribution, keeps a trained network intact, and holds strong performance across a variety of architectures. Our method, Logit Scaling (LTS), as the name suggests, simply scales the logits in a manner that effectively distinguishes between in-distribution (ID) and OOD samples. We tested our method on benchmarks across various scales, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet and OpenOOD. The experiments cover 3 ID and 14 OOD datasets, as well as 9 model architectures. Overall, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance, robustness and adaptability across different architectures, paving the way towards a universally applicable solution for advanced OOD detection.
updated: Mon Sep 02 2024 11:10:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 02 2024 11:10:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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