arXiv reaDer
FMRFT: Fusion Mamba and DETR for Query Time Sequence Intersection Fish Tracking
Growth, abnormal behavior, and diseases of fish can be early detected by monitoring fish tracking through the method of image processing, which is of great significance for factory aquaculture. However, underwater reflections and some reasons with fish, such as the high similarity , rapid swimming caused by stimuli and multi-object occlusion bring challenges to multi-target tracking of fish. To address these challenges, this paper establishes a complex multi-scene sturgeon tracking dataset and proposes a real-time end-to-end fish tracking model, FMRFT. In this model, the Mamba In Mamba (MIM) architecture with low memory consumption is introduced into the tracking algorithm to realize multi-frame video timing memory and fast feature extraction, which improves the efficiency of correlation analysis for contiguous frames in multi-fish video. Additionally, the superior feature interaction and a priori frame processing capabilities of RT-DETR are leveraged to provide an effective tracking algorithm. By incorporating the QTSI query interaction processing module, the model effectively handles occluded objects and redundant tracking frames, resulting in more accurate and stable fish tracking. Trained and tested on the dataset, the model achieves an IDF1 score of 90.3% and a MOTA accuracy of 94.3%. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed FMRFT model effectively addresses the challenges of high similarity and mutual occlusion in fish populations, enabling accurate tracking in factory farming environments.
updated: Mon Sep 02 2024 10:33:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 02 2024 10:33:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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