arXiv reaDer
VQ-Flow: Taming Normalizing Flows for Multi-Class Anomaly Detection via Hierarchical Vector Quantization
Normalizing flows, a category of probabilistic models famed for their capabilities in modeling complex data distributions, have exhibited remarkable efficacy in unsupervised anomaly detection. This paper explores the potential of normalizing flows in multi-class anomaly detection, wherein the normal data is compounded with multiple classes without providing class labels. Through the integration of vector quantization (VQ), we empower the flow models to distinguish different concepts of multi-class normal data in an unsupervised manner, resulting in a novel flow-based unified method, named VQ-Flow. Specifically, our VQ-Flow leverages hierarchical vector quantization to estimate two relative codebooks: a Conceptual Prototype Codebook (CPC) for concept distinction and its concomitant Concept-Specific Pattern Codebook (CSPC) to capture concept-specific normal patterns. The flow models in VQ-Flow are conditioned on the concept-specific patterns captured in CSPC, capable of modeling specific normal patterns associated with different concepts. Moreover, CPC further enables our VQ-Flow for concept-aware distribution modeling, faithfully mimicking the intricate multi-class normal distribution through a mixed Gaussian distribution reparametrized on the conceptual prototypes. Through the introduction of vector quantization, the proposed VQ-Flow advances the state-of-the-art in multi-class anomaly detection within a unified training scheme, yielding the Det./Loc. AUROC of 99.5%/98.3% on MVTec AD. The codebase is publicly available at
updated: Mon Sep 02 2024 05:01:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 02 2024 05:01:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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