arXiv reaDer
Trusted Unified Feature-Neighborhood Dynamics for Multi-View Classification
Multi-view classification (MVC) faces inherent challenges due to domain gaps and inconsistencies across different views, often resulting in uncertainties during the fusion process. While Evidential Deep Learning (EDL) has been effective in addressing view uncertainty, existing methods predominantly rely on the Dempster-Shafer combination rule, which is sensitive to conflicting evidence and often neglects the critical role of neighborhood structures within multi-view data. To address these limitations, we propose a Trusted Unified Feature-NEighborhood Dynamics (TUNED) model for robust MVC. This method effectively integrates local and global feature-neighborhood (F-N) structures for robust decision-making. Specifically, we begin by extracting local F-N structures within each view. To further mitigate potential uncertainties and conflicts in multi-view fusion, we employ a selective Markov random field that adaptively manages cross-view neighborhood dependencies. Additionally, we employ a shared parameterized evidence extractor that learns global consensus conditioned on local F-N structures, thereby enhancing the global integration of multi-view features. Experiments on benchmark datasets show that our method improves accuracy and robustness over existing approaches, particularly in scenarios with high uncertainty and conflicting views. The code will be made available at
updated: Sun Sep 01 2024 15:48:20 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Sep 01 2024 15:48:20 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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