arXiv reaDer
STEREO: Towards Adversarially Robust Concept Erasing from Text-to-Image Generation Models
The rapid proliferation of large-scale text-to-image generation (T2IG) models has led to concerns about their potential misuse in generating harmful content. Though many methods have been proposed for erasing undesired concepts from T2IG models, they only provide a false sense of security, as recent works demonstrate that concept-erased models (CEMs) can be easily deceived to generate the erased concept through adversarial attacks. The problem of adversarially robust concept erasing without significant degradation to model utility (ability to generate benign concepts) remains an unresolved challenge, especially in the white-box setting where the adversary has access to the CEM. To address this gap, we propose an approach called STEREO that involves two distinct stages. The first stage searches thoroughly enough for strong and diverse adversarial prompts that can regenerate an erased concept from a CEM, by leveraging robust optimization principles from adversarial training. In the second robustly erase once stage, we introduce an anchor-concept-based compositional objective to robustly erase the target concept at one go, while attempting to minimize the degradation on model utility. By benchmarking the proposed STEREO approach against four state-of-the-art concept erasure methods under three adversarial attacks, we demonstrate its ability to achieve a better robustness vs. utility trade-off. Our code and models are available at
updated: Thu Aug 29 2024 17:29:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Aug 29 2024 17:29:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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