arXiv reaDer
MBSS-T1: Model-Based Self-Supervised Motion Correction for Robust Cardiac T1 Mapping
T1 mapping is a valuable quantitative MRI technique for diagnosing diffuse myocardial diseases. Traditional methods, relying on breath-hold sequences and echo triggering, face challenges with patient compliance and arrhythmias, limiting their effectiveness. Image registration can enable motion-robust T1 mapping, but inherent intensity differences between time points pose a challenge. We introduce MBSS-T1, a self-supervised model for motion correction in cardiac T1 mapping, constrained by physical and anatomical principles. The physical constraints ensure expected signal decay behavior, while the anatomical constraints maintain realistic deformations. The unique combination of these constraints ensures accurate T1 mapping along the longitudinal relaxation axis. MBSS-T1 outperformed baseline deep-learning-based image registration approaches in a 5-fold experiment on a public dataset of 210 patients (STONE sequence) and an internal dataset of 19 patients (MOLLI sequence). MBSS-T1 excelled in model fitting quality (R^2: 0.975 vs. 0.941, 0.946), anatomical alignment (Dice score: 0.89 vs. 0.84, 0.88), and expert visual quality assessment for the presence of visible motion artifacts (4.33 vs. 3.38, 3.66). MBSS-T1 has the potential to enable motion-robust T1 mapping for a broader range of patients, overcoming challenges such as arrhythmias and suboptimal compliance, and allowing for free-breathing T1 mapping without requiring large training datasets. Our code will be publicly available upon acceptance.
updated: Sun Sep 01 2024 07:04:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Aug 21 2024 21:03:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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