arXiv reaDer
LADDER: Language Driven Slice Discovery and Error Rectification
Error slice discovery associates structured patterns with model errors. Existing methods discover error slices by clustering the error-prone samples with similar patterns or assigning discrete attributes to each sample for post-hoc analysis. While these methods aim for interpretability and easier mitigation through reweighting or rebalancing, they may not capture the full complexity of error patterns due to incomplete or missing attributes. Contrary to the existing approach, this paper utilizes the reasoning capabilities of the Large Language Model (LLM) to analyze complex error patterns and generate testable hypotheses. This paper proposes LADDER: Language Driven slice Discovery and Error Rectification. It first projects the model's representation into a language-aligned feature space (eg CLIP) to preserve semantics in the original model feature space. This ensures the accurate retrieval of sentences that highlight the model's errors. Next, the LLM utilizes the sentences and generates hypotheses to discover error slices. Finally, we mitigate the error by fine-tuning the classification head by creating a group-balanced dataset using the hypotheses. Our entire method does not require any attribute annotation, either explicitly or through external tagging models. We validate our method with five image classification datasets. The code is available (
updated: Wed Sep 04 2024 17:31:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jul 31 2024 14:49:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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