arXiv reaDer
Improving Fast Adversarial Training Paradigm: An Example Taxonomy Perspective
While adversarial training is an effective defense method against adversarial attacks, it notably increases the training cost. To this end, fast adversarial training (FAT) is presented for efficient training and has become a hot research topic. However, FAT suffers from catastrophic overfitting, which leads to a performance drop compared with multi-step adversarial training. However, the cause of catastrophic overfitting remains unclear and lacks exploration. In this paper, we present an example taxonomy in FAT, which identifies that catastrophic overfitting is caused by the imbalance between the inner and outer optimization in FAT. Furthermore, we investigated the impact of varying degrees of training loss, revealing a correlation between training loss and catastrophic overfitting. Based on these observations, we redesign the loss function in FAT with the proposed dynamic label relaxation to concentrate the loss range and reduce the impact of misclassified examples. Meanwhile, we introduce batch momentum initialization to enhance the diversity to prevent catastrophic overfitting in an efficient manner. Furthermore, we also propose Catastrophic Overfitting aware Loss Adaptation (COLA), which employs a separate training strategy for examples based on their loss degree. Our proposed method, named example taxonomy aware FAT (ETA), establishes an improved paradigm for FAT. Experiment results demonstrate our ETA achieves state-of-the-art performance. Comprehensive experiments on four standard datasets demonstrate the competitiveness of our proposed method.
updated: Thu Sep 26 2024 07:47:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 22 2024 03:56:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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