arXiv reaDer
Text2LiDAR: Text-guided LiDAR Point Cloud Generation via Equirectangular Transformer
The complex traffic environment and various weather conditions make the collection of LiDAR data expensive and challenging. Achieving high-quality and controllable LiDAR data generation is urgently needed, controlling with text is a common practice, but there is little research in this field. To this end, we propose Text2LiDAR, the first efficient, diverse, and text-controllable LiDAR data generation model. Specifically, we design an equirectangular transformer architecture, utilizing the designed equirectangular attention to capture LiDAR features in a manner with data characteristics. Then, we design a control-signal embedding injector to efficiently integrate control signals through the global-to-focused attention mechanism. Additionally, we devise a frequency modulator to assist the model in recovering high-frequency details, ensuring the clarity of the generated point cloud. To foster development in the field and optimize text-controlled generation performance, we construct nuLiDARtext which offers diverse text descriptors for 34,149 LiDAR point clouds from 850 scenes. Experiments on uncontrolled and text-controlled generation in various forms on KITTI-360 and nuScenes datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach.
updated: Mon Jul 29 2024 01:18:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 29 2024 01:18:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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