arXiv reaDer
Unsqueeze [CLS] Bottleneck to Learn Rich Representations
Distillation-based self-supervised learning typically leads to more compressed representations due to its radical clustering process and the implementation of a sharper target distribution. To overcome this limitation and preserve more information from input, we introduce UDI, conceptualized as Unsqueezed Distillation-based self-supervised learning (SSL). UDI enriches the learned representation by encouraging multimodal prediction distilled from a consolidated profile of local predictions that are derived via stratified sampling. Our evaluations show that UDI not only promotes semantically meaningful representations at instance level, delivering superior or competitive results to state-of-the-art SSL methods in image classification, but also effectively preserves the nuisance of input, which yields significant improvement in dense prediction tasks, including object detection and segmentation. Additionally, UDI performs competitively in low-shot image classification, improving the scalability of joint-embedding pipelines. Various visualizations and ablation studies are presented to further elucidate the mechanisms behind UDI. Our source code is available at
updated: Fri Jul 26 2024 14:09:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jul 24 2024 23:23:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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