arXiv reaDer
CIC: Circular Image Compression
Learned image compression (LIC) is currently the cutting-edge method. However, the inherent difference between testing and training images of LIC results in performance degradation to some extent. Especially for out-of-sample, out-of-distribution, or out-of-domain testing images, the performance of LIC dramatically degraded. Classical LIC is a serial image compression (SIC) approach that utilizes an open-loop architecture with serial encoding and decoding units. Nevertheless, according to the theory of automatic control, a closed-loop architecture holds the potential to improve the dynamic and static performance of LIC. Therefore, a circular image compression (CIC) approach with closed-loop encoding and decoding elements is proposed to minimize the gap between testing and training images and upgrade the capability of LIC. The proposed CIC establishes a nonlinear loop equation and proves that steady-state error between reconstructed and original images is close to zero by Taylor series expansion. The proposed CIC method possesses the property of Post-Training and plug-and-play which can be built on any existing advanced SIC methods. Experimental results on five public image compression datasets demonstrate that the proposed CIC outperforms five competing state-of-the-art open-source SIC algorithms in reconstruction capacity. Experimental results further show that the proposed method is suitable for out-of-sample testing images with dark backgrounds, sharp edges, high contrast, grid shapes, or complex patterns.
updated: Fri Sep 20 2024 23:08:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Jul 18 2024 13:53:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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