arXiv reaDer
Object-Aware Query Perturbation for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval
The pre-trained vision and language (V\&L) models have substantially improved the performance of cross-modal image-text retrieval. In general, however, V\&L models have limited retrieval performance for small objects because of the rough alignment between words and the small objects in the image. In contrast, it is known that human cognition is object-centric, and we pay more attention to important objects, even if they are small. To bridge this gap between the human cognition and the V\&L model's capability, we propose a cross-modal image-text retrieval framework based on ``object-aware query perturbation.'' The proposed method generates a key feature subspace of the detected objects and perturbs the corresponding queries using this subspace to improve the object awareness in the image. In our proposed method, object-aware cross-modal image-text retrieval is possible while keeping the rich expressive power and retrieval performance of existing V\&L models without additional fine-tuning. Comprehensive experiments on four public datasets show that our method outperforms conventional algorithms. Our code is publicly available at
updated: Wed Sep 25 2024 03:18:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jul 17 2024 06:42:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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