arXiv reaDer
SALSA: Swift Adaptive Lightweight Self-Attention for Enhanced LiDAR Place Recognition
Large-scale LiDAR mappings and localization leverage place recognition techniques to mitigate odometry drifts, ensuring accurate mapping. These techniques utilize scene representations from LiDAR point clouds to identify previously visited sites within a database. Local descriptors, assigned to each point within a point cloud, are aggregated to form a scene representation for the point cloud. These descriptors are also used to re-rank the retrieved point clouds based on geometric fitness scores. We propose SALSA, a novel, lightweight, and efficient framework for LiDAR place recognition. It consists of a Sphereformer backbone that uses radial window attention to enable information aggregation for sparse distant points, an adaptive self-attention layer to pool local descriptors into tokens, and a multi-layer-perceptron Mixer layer for aggregating the tokens to generate a scene descriptor. The proposed framework outperforms existing methods on various LiDAR place recognition datasets in terms of both retrieval and metric localization while operating in real-time.
updated: Tue Jul 30 2024 12:54:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Jul 11 2024 08:00:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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