arXiv reaDer
Unlocking Textual and Visual Wisdom: Open-Vocabulary 3D Object Detection Enhanced by Comprehensive Guidance from Text and Image
Open-vocabulary 3D object detection (OV-3DDet) aims to localize and recognize both seen and previously unseen object categories within any new 3D scene. While language and vision foundation models have achieved success in handling various open-vocabulary tasks with abundant training data, OV-3DDet faces a significant challenge due to the limited availability of training data. Although some pioneering efforts have integrated vision-language models (VLM) knowledge into OV-3DDet learning, the full potential of these foundational models has yet to be fully exploited. In this paper, we unlock the textual and visual wisdom to tackle the open-vocabulary 3D detection task by leveraging the language and vision foundation models. We leverage a vision foundation model to provide image-wise guidance for discovering novel classes in 3D scenes. Specifically, we utilize a object detection vision foundation model to enable the zero-shot discovery of objects in images, which serves as the initial seeds and filtering guidance to identify novel 3D objects. Additionally, to align the 3D space with the powerful vision-language space, we introduce a hierarchical alignment approach, where the 3D feature space is aligned with the vision-language feature space using a pre-trained VLM at the instance, category, and scene levels. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate significant improvements in accuracy and generalization, highlighting the potential of foundation models in advancing open-vocabulary 3D object detection in real-world scenarios.
updated: Wed Jul 17 2024 16:50:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Jul 07 2024 04:50:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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