arXiv reaDer
Entropy-Informed Weighting Channel Normalizing Flow
Normalizing Flows (NFs) have gained popularity among deep generative models due to their ability to provide exact likelihood estimation and efficient sampling. However, a crucial limitation of NFs is their substantial memory requirements, arising from maintaining the dimension of the latent space equal to that of the input space. Multi-scale architectures bypass this limitation by progressively reducing the dimension of latent variables while ensuring reversibility. Existing multi-scale architectures split the latent variables in a simple, static manner at the channel level, compromising NFs' expressive power. To address this issue, we propose a regularized and feature-dependent Shuffle operation and integrate it into vanilla multi-scale architecture. This operation heuristically generates channel-wise weights and adaptively shuffles latent variables before splitting them with these weights. We observe that such operation guides the variables to evolve in the direction of entropy increase, hence we refer to NFs with the Shuffle operation as Entropy-Informed Weighting Channel Normalizing Flow (EIW-Flow). Experimental results indicate that the EIW-Flow achieves state-of-the-art density estimation results and comparable sample quality on CIFAR-10, CelebA and ImageNet datasets, with negligible additional computational overhead.
updated: Sat Jul 06 2024 04:46:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Jul 06 2024 04:46:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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