arXiv reaDer
Fast and Efficient: Mask Neural Fields for 3D Scene Segmentation
Understanding 3D scenes is a crucial challenge in computer vision research with applications spanning multiple domains. Recent advancements in distilling 2D vision-language foundation models into neural fields, like NeRF and 3DGS, enable open-vocabulary segmentation of 3D scenes from 2D multi-view images without the need for precise 3D annotations. However, while effective, these methods typically rely on the per-pixel distillation of high-dimensional CLIP features, introducing ambiguity and necessitating complex regularization strategies, which adds inefficiency during training. This paper presents MaskField, which enables efficient 3D open-vocabulary segmentation with neural fields from a novel perspective. Unlike previous methods, MaskField decomposes the distillation of mask and semantic features from foundation models by formulating a mask feature field and queries. MaskField overcomes ambiguous object boundaries by naturally introducing SAM segmented object shapes without extra regularization during training. By circumventing the direct handling of dense high-dimensional CLIP features during training, MaskField is particularly compatible with explicit scene representations like 3DGS. Our extensive experiments show that MaskField not only surpasses prior state-of-the-art methods but also achieves remarkably fast convergence. We hope that MaskField will inspire further exploration into how neural fields can be trained to comprehend 3D scenes from 2D models.
updated: Thu Dec 19 2024 09:16:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jul 01 2024 12:07:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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