arXiv reaDer
Repairing Catastrophic-Neglect in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Attention-Guided Feature Enhancement
Text-to-Image Diffusion Models (T2I DMs) have garnered significant attention for their ability to generate high-quality images from textual descriptions. However, these models often produce images that do not fully align with the input prompts, resulting in semantic inconsistencies. The most prominent issue among these semantic inconsistencies is catastrophic-neglect, where the images generated by T2I DMs miss key objects mentioned in the prompt. We first conduct an empirical study on this issue, exploring the prevalence of catastrophic-neglect, potential mitigation strategies with feature enhancement, and the insights gained. Guided by the empirical findings, we propose an automated repair approach named Patcher to address catastrophic-neglect in T2I DMs. Specifically, Patcher first determines whether there are any neglected objects in the prompt, and then applies attention-guided feature enhancement to these neglected objects, resulting in a repaired prompt. Experimental results on three versions of Stable Diffusion demonstrate that Patcher effectively repairs the issue of catastrophic-neglect, achieving 10.1%-16.3% higher Correct Rate in image generation compared to baselines.
updated: Sat Sep 21 2024 04:02:07 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jun 24 2024 02:38:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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