arXiv reaDer
Boosting Hyperspectral Image Classification with Gate-Shift-Fuse Mechanisms in a Novel CNN-Transformer Approach
During the process of classifying Hyperspectral Image (HSI), every pixel sample is categorized under a land-cover type. CNN-based techniques for HSI classification have notably advanced the field by their adept feature representation capabilities. However, acquiring deep features remains a challenge for these CNN-based methods. In contrast, transformer models are adept at extracting high-level semantic features, offering a complementary strength. This paper's main contribution is the introduction of an HSI classification model that includes two convolutional blocks, a Gate-Shift-Fuse (GSF) block and a transformer block. This model leverages the strengths of CNNs in local feature extraction and transformers in long-range context modelling. The GSF block is designed to strengthen the extraction of local and global spatial-spectral features. An effective attention mechanism module is also proposed to enhance the extraction of information from HSI cubes. The proposed method is evaluated on four well-known datasets (the Indian Pines, Pavia University, WHU-WHU-Hi-LongKou and WHU-Hi-HanChuan), demonstrating that the proposed framework achieves superior results compared to other models.
updated: Wed Oct 02 2024 19:00:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Jun 20 2024 09:05:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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