arXiv reaDer
DrVideo: Document Retrieval Based Long Video Understanding
Most of the existing methods for video understanding primarily focus on videos only lasting tens of seconds, with limited exploration of techniques for handling long videos. The increased number of frames in long videos poses two main challenges: difficulty in locating key information and performing long-range reasoning. Thus, we propose DrVideo, a document-retrieval-based system designed for long video understanding. Our key idea is to convert the long-video understanding problem into a long-document understanding task so as to effectively leverage the power of large language models. Specifically, DrVideo first transforms a long video into a coarse text-based long document to initially retrieve key frames and then updates the documents with the augmented key frame information. It then employs an agent-based iterative loop to continuously search for missing information and augment the document until sufficient question-related information is gathered for making the final predictions in a chain-of-thought manner. Extensive experiments on long video benchmarks confirm the effectiveness of our method. DrVideo significantly outperforms existing LLM-based state-of-the-art methods on EgoSchema benchmark (3 minutes), MovieChat-1K benchmark (10 minutes), and the long split of Video-MME benchmark (average of 44 minutes).
updated: Sun Nov 24 2024 04:33:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Jun 18 2024 17:59:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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