arXiv reaDer
Restorer: Removing Multi-Degradation with All-Axis Attention and Prompt Guidance
There are many excellent solutions in image restoration.However, most methods require on training separate models to restore images with different types of degradation.Although existing all-in-one models effectively address multiple types of degradation simultaneously, their performance in real-world scenarios is still constrained by the task confusion problem.In this work, we attempt to address this issue by introducing Restorer, a novel Transformer-based all-in-one image restoration model.To effectively address the complex degradation present in real-world images, we propose All-Axis Attention (AAA), a mechanism that simultaneously models long-range dependencies across both spatial and channel dimensions, capturing potential correlations along all axes.Additionally, we introduce textual prompts in Restorer to incorporate explicit task priors, enabling the removal of specific degradation types based on user instructions. By iterating over these prompts, Restorer can handle composite degradation in real-world scenarios without requiring additional training.Based on these designs, Restorer with one set of parameters demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in multiple image restoration tasks compared to existing all-in-one and even single-task models.Additionally, Restorer is efficient during inference, suggesting the potential in real-world applications.
updated: Tue Sep 03 2024 13:36:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Jun 18 2024 13:18:32 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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