arXiv reaDer
CustAny: Customizing Anything from A Single Example
Recent advances in diffusion-based text-to-image models have simplified creating high-fidelity images, but preserving the identity (ID) of specific elements, like a personal dog, is still challenging. Object customization, using reference images and textual descriptions, is key to addressing this issue. Current object customization methods are either object-specific, requiring extensive fine-tuning, or object-agnostic, offering zero-shot customization but limited to specialized domains. The primary issue of promoting zero-shot object customization from specific domains to the general domain is to establish a large-scale general ID dataset for model pre-training, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this paper, we propose a novel pipeline to construct a large dataset of general objects and build the Multi-Category ID-Consistent (MC-IDC) dataset, featuring 315k text-image samples across 10k categories. With the help of MC-IDC, we introduce Customizing Anything (CustAny), a zero-shot framework that maintains ID fidelity and supports flexible text editing for general objects. CustAny features three key components: a general ID extraction module, a dual-level ID injection module, and an ID-aware decoupling module, allowing it to customize any object from a single reference image and text prompt. Experiments demonstrate that CustAny outperforms existing methods in both general object customization and specialized domains like human customization and virtual try-on. Our contributions include a large-scale dataset, the CustAny framework and novel ID processing to advance this field. Code and dataset will be released soon in
updated: Fri Nov 22 2024 09:31:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jun 17 2024 15:26:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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