arXiv reaDer
Open-World Human-Object Interaction Detection via Multi-modal Prompts
In this paper, we develop MP-HOI, a powerful Multi-modal Prompt-based HOI detector designed to leverage both textual descriptions for open-set generalization and visual exemplars for handling high ambiguity in descriptions, realizing HOI detection in the open world. Specifically, it integrates visual prompts into existing language-guided-only HOI detectors to handle situations where textual descriptions face difficulties in generalization and to address complex scenarios with high interaction ambiguity. To facilitate MP-HOI training, we build a large-scale HOI dataset named Magic-HOI, which gathers six existing datasets into a unified label space, forming over 186K images with 2.4K objects, 1.2K actions, and 20K HOI interactions. Furthermore, to tackle the long-tail issue within the Magic-HOI dataset, we introduce an automated pipeline for generating realistically annotated HOI images and present SynHOI, a high-quality synthetic HOI dataset containing 100K images. Leveraging these two datasets, MP-HOI optimizes the HOI task as a similarity learning process between multi-modal prompts and objects/interactions via a unified contrastive loss, to learn generalizable and transferable objects/interactions representations from large-scale data. MP-HOI could serve as a generalist HOI detector, surpassing the HOI vocabulary of existing expert models by more than 30 times. Concurrently, our results demonstrate that MP-HOI exhibits remarkable zero-shot capability in real-world scenarios and consistently achieves a new state-of-the-art performance across various benchmarks.
updated: Tue Jun 11 2024 13:01:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Jun 11 2024 13:01:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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