arXiv reaDer
Multimodal Contextualized Semantic Parsing from Speech
We introduce Semantic Parsing in Contextual Environments (SPICE), a task designed to enhance artificial agents' contextual awareness by integrating multimodal inputs with prior contexts. SPICE goes beyond traditional semantic parsing by offering a structured, interpretable framework for dynamically updating an agent's knowledge with new information, mirroring the complexity of human communication. We develop the VG-SPICE dataset, crafted to challenge agents with visual scene graph construction from spoken conversational exchanges, highlighting speech and visual data integration. We also present the Audio-Vision Dialogue Scene Parser (AViD-SP) developed for use on VG-SPICE. These innovations aim to improve multimodal information processing and integration. Both the VG-SPICE dataset and the AViD-SP model are publicly available.
updated: Mon Jun 10 2024 16:31:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jun 10 2024 16:31:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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