arXiv reaDer
Bootstrapping Referring Multi-Object Tracking
Referring multi-object tracking (RMOT) aims at detecting and tracking multiple objects following human instruction represented by a natural language expression. Existing RMOT benchmarks are usually formulated through manual annotations, integrated with static regulations. This approach results in a dearth of notable diversity and a constrained scope of implementation. In this work, our key idea is to bootstrap the task of referring multi-object tracking by introducing discriminative language words as much as possible. In specific, we first develop Refer-KITTI into a large-scale dataset, named Refer-KITTI-V2. It starts with 2,719 manual annotations, addressing the issue of class imbalance and introducing more keywords to make it closer to real-world scenarios compared to Refer-KITTI. They are further expanded to a total of 9,758 annotations by prompting large language models, which create 617 different words, surpassing previous RMOT benchmarks. In addition, the end-to-end framework in RMOT is also bootstrapped by a simple yet elegant temporal advancement strategy, which achieves better performance than previous approaches. The source code and dataset is available at
updated: Fri Jun 07 2024 16:02:10 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jun 07 2024 16:02:10 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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